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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Insurance - transforming an insurance salesman in a specialist life guide

It would be good for a magic wand Flash and change a new specialist high income life insurance salesman. This is a guide to insurance for all the steps that an insurance salesman must learn to ensure the status of specialist of life occurs. Even preserve the score to see to what extent for the journey you are.

Insurance Guide shown below 50 topics that should be learned if you want to improve yourself to become a true seller. This article will focus on selling skills specialist life gradually adapts to become an expert in insurance of fully.Insurance skills earn and rarely learned, there is an insurance salesman nacido.De made life specialist experts learn sensitive gain a perspective techniques that want to buy, which eliminates pressure seller opacity on insurance for students.

If you choose yourself entered in these areas, use the following point rating system. score reflects 0 currently unused. A score of 1 equals less trial and error. A score of 2 means occasional use. Scoring 3 refers to frequent use and adaptation. Achieving a 4 brands of change to a result that the update occurs.Score of 5 is reserved for the excellent mastery.Print this out and write your score in front of the area of skill. only being aware that all original methods that were taught will be cambiado.Lo you were originally taught ignores looking directly into the eye of the storm.

1 Replace the gigantic case notebook pocketed for basic information about the products

2 Brings with it a yellow pad 3 new pencils, one for you and two for prospects

3 Obtain cards with title of specialist, professional, expert, consultant, etc.NOT "insurance agent"

4 Get business cards emphasizing his name and grados.incluyen insurance only if necessary

5 Hold the compass, maps or GPS device in your car, along with excess supplies

6. The purchase of gifts for perspective, could be keyrings, lanterns, ebooks, etc..Mark is not necessary.

7. The image making the sale and the presentation as a formality before knocking on door

8. Always request always sit at a table with prospects

9 Ask that television or music turned way downwards or off

10 Reschedule appointment display if you are invited on

11 Brings with it a camera phone to take the picture collection item perspective better in his collection

12. If the submission is for the husband and wife, never give a single only

13. Never reveal the cost until you are ready and good

14. By refusing to come back if prospective customer wants to reflect

15 Questions in a way that cannot be given an answer Yes or no

16 Avoid cold calls to complete strangers

17 Know the difference between a real prospect and a suspect

18 Found a list broker highly defined a list of people you want to talk with

19. Recognizes that wisely spending money on potential clients is an investment in yourself

20 Keep spending more time in quotations than on prospecting

21 Acquire the capacity to pull potential customers that you lose time

22 Imposed a source acquisitions direct mailings perspective lead or leads Internet

23 Remember that quality in prospecting, appointments, and closures exceeds the amount

24 Learn objection handling until you learn to eliminate objections from ever occurring

25 Find motivational and words of action for interlayer presentation

26 Write messages sales with bold attention getting headlines and want them to read on

27. The perspective by rewarding someone "lead" with some allowing you to provide more information

28 Become a specialist in life by learning in a whole level expert for a couple of products

29. By refusing to become a seller of insurance portfolio full of products

30. The fate of their potential customers and potential customers to only a few products you want to specialize in

31 Practice with a friend or associate your sales presentation and take constructive criticism

32 Find out the correct emotional need that your customer has so need insurance

33 Restructure portions of its presentation for different products, changes, and flexibility

34 Develop key phrases sales operating in almost every presentation

35 Explore the possibility of two sales, rather than a policy

36.?Say, "you want just to pay annually and save some money, right?"

37 Keep more of your eyes and talk focused towards the wife

38 Read books on motivation to build its level of self-confidence of yourself

39. Never traqueteo all the benefits of the product, focus only on a few major benefits perspective

40. Not fear competition, as your client rarely concerned and if it cannot be a buyer

41. Never allow price to become a problem, as you can afford your prospect to choose regular or luxury

42 If a customer has a less obsolete policy, replace no-fault

43 Be sure to get every possible customer email address and send a monthly newsletter by e-mail

44 Find a store with two for a dollar and flood your customer with greeting cards

45 Examine what it can do to increase your closing ratio to 10% at a time

46. Never follow what others in your Office or say, unless you are a specialist life

47. Do not expect to win $ 100.00 each year its first 6 years unless you becomes an expert

48 Begin to intermediaries business with a company outside insurance and get high commissions

49 Make a realistic goal to be completely independent in the business for you only

50 Separate yourself from insurance sellers as a specialist of life is not sold, instead of working with the prospect to buy insurance

If you keep the score, and you're already in 150 points, has a great career ahead of ustedes.Si insurance is not, use the safe guide that contains 50 of the essential ingredients to elevate their status and the ingresos.Iniciar renewal from seller insurance specialist life right now.

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